Friday, November 16, 2012


Dear Mommy,
I answered the phone and it was you
it was so good to hear your voice
we chatted for a long time
at the end you thanked me for calling you.
I cried for hours, tears wetting my pillow
I knew my suspicions were well founded
that all was not right with you.
My happiness shattered into little slivers
as I realized the demon dementia had set in
to rob me of the only mother I ever knew.
Years passed, letters flew back and forth from Dad
your input only shown by a shaky signature at the bottom
my telephone calls never reached you personally.
On that fall day, forever stamped in my mind
I tore open a letter from ”home” and learned of your death and burial.
For twenty-five years you’ve been gone
it’s time I wrote this letter poem for you, dear Mommy
to show the world how much you meant to me.
Your kindness and sweetness were my shield
against the arrows shot by fate  
you taught me, by example, to keep on going.
You are still within my mind, guiding me
your womanly grace, all wrapped up in a small frame.
I thank you for your wisdom and your love
which has stood the test of time.
Copyright©Wilma Seville2012

Editor's note:  When I was in my early thirities, I sent a letter to my parents telling them how much I appreciated their good care and told them what a good job they had done.  I have always been so grateful that I did that as life can take some strange turns.  As one ages, ones reflects back on one's life and appreciates all the good people who have influenced one's life.












  1. I'm finally getting to visit your writing blog. It's wonderful! My mother is in my mind so strongly this month so it was funny that I read your post this time. I had just put a poem on my blog when it was her birthday this month. Yes, it never goes away - the missing and the memories. We're blessed to have good ones.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words April. Yes, it is a real blessing to have good parents, isn't it? Thanks for leaving a comment. I love getting comments. Some people send comments via my e-mail address as they cannot figure out to put them on this blog. All the best to you. Our weather here in Canada is getting colder and colder, there was snow on the ground when I woke up. Boot time!
